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The Update – August 2021 SOAR365’s e-newsletter

Welcome to The Update, our quarterly e-newsletter that keeps you in the loop with everything SOAR365. Read stories about our amazing program participants, staff, donors, events, accomplishments, new offerings and more.

The Update: August 2021

August 2021
It’s Time to Party!  
For the first time ever, we are hosting our annual Ladybug Fund Winetasting and Silent Auction outdoors and under the stars! Join us at PARK365 for this special event on Friday, September 17. There will be great wine, delicious food, silent auction prizes and musical guests.
Tickets are $100 per person…get yours today. Grab your friends and don’t miss out!
Proceeds support programming for children and youth with disabilities. 

Know someone interested in a career as a DSP?
Recognizing our DSPs!
National Direct Support Professional (DSP) Recognition Week is coming up next month. Our DSPs are the reason our program participants smile and thrive every day. We are humbled by our DSPs’ dedication and commitment. To learn more about a day in the life of a DSP at SOAR365, click below.
Here is what Sherece Bruce, one of our DSPs, said about her role:
D = dedicated to making a difference
S = supporting individuals to whom we provide services makes me smile. 
P = priceless when you’re a part of the progress being made

Farewell Wishes to Rodney!
After decades working for SOAR365, Rodney Shelton, Director of Assembly & Logistics in our Business Solutions department, retired at the end of July. Rodney held numerous roles at SOAR365, from Production Manager to his current role where he was responsible for both commercial and government contracts. We are so sad to see him go (it sure won’t be the same without him!), but we know he will enjoy life to its fullest in retirement. Congratulations, Rodney, and wishing you the best times ahead.

Picture of people walking around at SummerFest
SOAR365 in the News 
We saw a huge turnout for SummerFest! Many attendees told us they benefited from learning about the great community resources available to those with disabilities. Big thanks to WTVR6 for helping us spread the word about SummerFest by telling the story of SOAR365 and PARK365.
Virginia Living Best of Virginia 2021 Winner
Exciting Update! 
PARK365 is one of the best! For the second year in a row, PARK365 is part of Best of Virginia, a publication of Virginia Living magazine. This year, PARK365 was voted 3rd best playground in the Central Virginia region. We’re open every day from dawn to dusk — swing by! 

Coming Up!
Watch this!

Business Solutions at SOAR365 is a great place to work! Did you know the majority of SOAR365 employees work on contracts for regional businesses and local, state and federal government clients? Do you know someone who is looking for a fulfilling job? Tell them to watch the video and check out our job opportunities in SOAR365 Business Solutions! 

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