Your child’s journey is unique. Let us be your guide!
SOAR365 offers a highly qualified team of speech therapists, occupational therapists, physical therapists and early childhood educators — all ready to work together to meet your family’s needs. Our friendly, patient approach is backed by research and knowledge you can rely on. With encouragement and support, the sky is the limit! How can we help your child soar?
Your child will look forward to seeing us.
In addition to educational and professional credentials, our therapists must have the sunny temperament SOAR365 is known for: cheerful, respectful, inspiring …and fun!
We help each child to:
Develop gross motor, fine motor, communication, social and problem-solving skills.
Improve sensory processing (how your child experiences sights, sounds, smells, taste, and touch, as well as related emotions and behaviors).
Enjoy a variety of home and community activities.
Sounds great! How do I get started?
Once you contact us, it’s as easy as 1, 2, 3! Together, we:
Identify your family’s goals.
Decide what type(s) of therapy will meet your needs.
Help you select the right therapist for your child and your schedule.
When he was nearing two years old, it became apparent Ronnie wasn’t meeting certain typical milestones (like crawling, walking, talking, and pointing). His mother, Kimberly, and her medical practitioners began to investigate. “It’s heart-wrenching to be told that you need to get your child tested,” said Kimberly. “It’s a hard place to be, but you […]
When you first meet Caleb, you hardly get a chance to see the first grader … he’s a racing blur of speed. But once you catch up to him, it’s easy to see this little boy has a heart of gold. Caleb comes flying into SOAR365 (or PARK365) twice a week for speech and occupational […]
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