Adult Day

Adult Day

Meet Antonio

Meet Antonio

One of Antonio’s favorite places to be is in the kitchen. His face lights up talking about food. “I like to cook shrimp, fried rice, chicken alfredo, steak,” he says. Who taught him to cook? “I taught myself to cook!” he says proudly, with a laugh.

He does give some credit to the cooking skills he learned after school in SOAR365’s Youth Services. Program participants use the kitchen for lessons in making everything from kimchi to cakes.

Meet Trey!

Meet Trey!

Nobody was sure what to expect when Trey Hope returned to Adult Day Support in 2022, after suffering abuse and neglect during the pandemic. “When the van driver opened the door, and I saw him grinning from ear to ear, that just warmed my heart,” says Supervisor, Josh Rubino.   Trey has cerebral palsy and autism. On weekdays, you can find him...

Meet Trey

Meet Trey

At about 4:30 p.m. each weekday, the halls of SOAR365 come alive with the sound of music. Saxophone music, that is. And the musician is Trey, a tall, lean, dark-haired 18-year-old student who comes to SOAR365 after his school day at Godwin High School in Henrico County. “Early on, he had a knack for music. Seems like any instrument he picks up, he can...

Meet Heather

Meet Heather

Heather Dyson is vivacious and friendly, and that is instantly clear to anyone who meets her.  “Heather has always been happy – it’s as if she doesn’t know anything about being mean,” remarks her aunt, Brenda.   Born with cerebral palsy, Heather uses a wheelchair, but she doesn’t let that stop her from bouncing up and down with excitement and glee when...

Meet Dre

Meet Dre

DANCING WITH EVERYONE AT STAPLES MILLWhen you walk into the Adult Day Support program at SOAR@Staples Mill, you’ll likely find 25-year-old Shakur Spells, known as Dre, dancing. And not just moving a little bit, but dancing really well. Laura Yackel, a SOAR365 case manager Mill confirms, “He knows how to dance! Dre is always cheering everyone up, either...

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