Announcing Updates to Our Mission, Values, BHAG and Envisioned Future
We’re excited to announce that SOAR365 has a new and updated vision! This includes our mission, values, Big Hairy Audacious Goal and envisioned future.
Why did we make these updates now? We realized this was a perfect opportunity to set a solid foundation for SOAR365, as we come out of the pandemic and prepare for strategic planning.

The core of who we are remains the same – but these updates will guide us as we continue our work toward becoming best-in-class.
One way we can do that is by listening to our employees. This wasn’t just a top-down, executive exercise. We selected a team of 34 people from all parts of our organization to work together and suggest changes.
We streamlined all four pieces of our vision, using smaller words and shorter sentences. This makes it easier for everyone to understand. COVID-19 changed the timeline of our previous BHAG, so we used this opportunity to revise and reimagine it.

And we also championed a new value, Inclusivity. We’re dedicated to making our organization even more welcoming to everyone.
These updates aim for excellence across the organization, whether we’re providing best-in-class programming for our participants, award-winning services for our business clients, or a top workplace for our employees. As we continue strategic planning, we can confidently choose projects and priorities that align with who we’ve always been and who we hope to be.
You can catch a glimpse of SOAR365’s values at work by following us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.