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Meet Sydney Weisfeld!

SOAR365 Children and Youth Support Volunteer
As a first-year student at VCU majoring in pre-radiation science, Sydney Weisfeld’s days are filled with challenging science and math classes including biology, anatomy, physiology, and algebra. So she was initially attracted to the positive and fun environment she saw on the SOAR365 website. “In high-school, I was involved with many programs that helped children with disabilities and I loved it. I saw SOAR365 as a way to continue this and to have fun every week.”

Although Sydney acknowledges the important academic and career benefits of volunteering (“I am learning how to communicate with others who are nonverbal or shy. This is a skill that I can use for the rest of my life.”), the biggest benefit of all is the joy she gets to experience each week with the Children and Youth participants. “I enjoy getting to laugh with them weekly. It is a place to have fun and get a break from all the school work!”

To find out more about volunteer opportunities at SOAR365, please send an email to [email protected]!

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