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Meet NGC Member Kellie Mattingly!

SOAR365 Next Generation Council Young Professional Group
Kellie Mattingly currently works for the State of Virginia and has been a member of the Next Generation Council (NGC) since spring of 2021. In this Q & A, Kellie reflects on her motivations to get involved with the NGC and her experience so far:

How did you hear about SOAR365’s Next Generation Council (NGC)?

In 2021 I was looking for a way to get involved in the Richmond Community after spending 2020 social distancing due to COVID. I searched online for different young adult boards or other volunteer activities and found the NGC website.

What made you decide to become an NGC member?

After reading about SOAR 365 and the goals of the NGC I thought it sounded like a great opportunity to be involved in the Richmond community and serve others.

What’s your favorite NGC memory?

I’ve had a variety of great experiences as part of the NGC, but I’ve enjoyed being involved with SummerFest the last two years.

Are you working on anything now?

I’m currently leading the Leadership Workshop committee. We are making plans for this year’s workshop which will be a virtual event, but we are planning to add an in-person networking event to it as well.

How has being involved with NGC helped you build your leadership skills?

I’ve found it nice to be able to use connections I already have through my professional and personal networks and being able to use those to connect them with SOAR365 or to connect SOAR365 with them. It’s been great to see new connections happen just by being able to send an introductory email.

What would you say to someone who is considering joining NGC?

I’d encourage individuals to join. What’s nice is that there are three areas you can work on so you won’t get overwhelmed with requirements or too many options to choose from. In addition, it’s always great to be able to support the individuals served by SOAR365 and be involved in the events and work that helps impact their lives.

Personal info (where are you from, area of study, quirky fun fact, etc.)

I’m originally from Indiana and have been in the Richmond area since 2016. I currently work for the State of Virginia. I enjoy volunteering when I can, spending time outside with my dogs, and connecting with family and friends in my free time.

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