SOAR365’s Respite Program Provides Rest for Caregivers and Fun for their Loved Ones
When your work and bills are piling up. When you’re worried about the safety of those in your care. When you have more chores to finish and errands to run than there is time in the day.
That’s when the SOAR365 Respite program is there for you, just like it has been for the family of Hakeem and Raheem, brothers with intellectual disabilities, over the last two years.
A home away from home for many, Respite is held at Camp Baker in Chesterfield, Va. across 46 weekends each year. Whether the stay spans Friday through Sunday or just a single day, Respite allows caregivers to confidently leave their loved ones in the care of SOAR365 so they can take time for themselves.
In fact, SOAR’s program is the only overnight, out-of-home respite provider in Central Virginia.
When the stresses of life began to weigh heavily on Hakeem and Raheem’s guardian, Erica, she visited a local health center in search of help. “I needed an outlet and to find a place for the boys to express themselves.”
The health center directed her to the District 19 Community Services Board, who mentioned a program that serves as a place for participants with disabilities to grow, thrive and have fun while also being challenged.
Knowing that it would also give her the break she needed, Erica took the leap and began the process of getting Hakeem and Raheem registered for the Respite program.
“At first it was just Hakeem,” notes Erica. “He really liked it and would come home so happy at the end of each weekend. It didn’t take long before Rakeem was asking when he could join his brother.”
Eventually Rakeem received the waiver he needed, allowing him to join Hakeem and the other participants at Camp Baker. Together, they have discovered new ways to express themselves through art, music and other creative outlets, just like Erica hoped when she first began her search.

Their growth doesn’t end there, however. With opportunities to spend time with other participants, travel to fun places around the city and acquire skills that contribute to a more independent life, the duo has truly hit their stride.
“They look forward to it everything month,” says Erica. “They’re more sociable now. They’re willing to advocate and speak up for themselves. They look forward to making friends now. And I don’t have to worry as much about their safety because they have a better understanding of their boundaries.”
While the program is meant to be for caregivers first and foremost, Erica’s boys can’t wait for their next stay at Camp Baker. “I have to remind them all the time, ‘Respite is not actually for you, it’s for me’” she says with a laugh.
Hundreds of families have similar stories to Erica, Hakeem and Rakeem, and many more deserve the rest and renewal that Respite offers. Visit to learn more about the program and how to get involved today.