There is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to helping people succeed.
Each person you meet in life has it within themselves to thrive when put in the right situation, no matter their abilities.
That sentiment holds true for Asia, a participant in SOAR365’s Supported Employment program, who recently went through a situational assessment to help find her place to thrive.
Leeanne Jones, a SOAR365 Employment Specialist, was assigned to work with Asia and quickly began to identify her strengths and interests. With the personalized support that SOAR365 offers, Asia was assessed in varying situations and environments that gave Leeanne a better understanding of what Asia liked doing and what she could excel at.
Each new environment helped determine her comfort with crowds, social interactions, noise levels and building sizes. From those opportunities, Asia’s interest in hospitality emerged.
After some time, Asia was then asked to take on an all-new challenge: working at a Special Olympics Virginia regional basketball tournament.
Through SOAR365 and Special Olympics Virginia’s fantastic community partnership, Leeanne took Asia to St. Christopher’s School where she would be surrounded by hundreds of people at a time, plus the loud, abrupt noises of referee whistles and scoreboard buzzers.

Even still, Asia thrived! She served as an awards assistant, announcing the teams and their athletes before handing out ribbons to each participant. Between her duties, Asia was outgoing, waving to others, saying hello, introducing herself and congratulating them on their accomplishments.
Awards committee participants and Special Olympics Virginia staff took notice of Asia’s infectious enthusiasm and friendly demeanor, giving her well-deserved kudos by the end of the day.
Asia handled the numerous challenges at the tournament, showing with a bright smile that she was enjoying every minute of it as Leeanne looked on with pride.
Together, they left the tournament with their heads held high, knowing that they were one step closer to finding employment where Asia can succeed now and into the future with SOAR365’s Supported Employment guiding her along the way.