In August 2021, SOAR365 successfully passed its Cleaning Industry Management Standard – Green Building assessment through ISSA and was awarded CIMS-Green Building Certification with Honors (CIMS-GB).
CIMS-GB certification demonstrates that SOAR365 has undergone a comprehensive assessment of its management structure and green cleaning operations by an independent, accredited assessor. “The CIMS-GB is one way that SOAR365 shows its commitment to delivering environmentally preferable services to customers,” explained Michael Atkins, Assistant Vice President, Facility Management Services for SOAR365.
“The cleaning practices required for the CIMS-GB certification are good for the environment, and they are also good for our business,” said Atkins. The CIMS-GB certification is critical to SOAR365 as many of government contracts fulfilled by SOAR365’s Janitorial & Custodial Services teams require proof of high levels of cleaning standards. SOAR365’s Business Solutions department competes for contracts from local, state and federal government agencies.
SOAR365 has been certified in CIMS-GB since 2019, and must undergo comprehensive assessments every two years to renew certification.
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To learn more about CIMS-GB certification, visit the ISSA website: https://www.issa.com/certification-standards/cleaning-industry-management-standard-cims/cims-green-building
To learn more about SOAR365’s Business Solutions contracts and how SOAR365 can help your business or agency, contact Jim Quigg at [email protected]