In this season of thanksgiving, we celebrate the many volunteers who have provided essential support to benefit SOAR365 program participants and staff.
Camp Baker volunteers put new coats of stain and paint on buildings, landscaped trails and garden beds, revived our sensory garden area, and created hundreds of nutritious snack packs for campers.

Scores of volunteers contributed to educational and fundraising events including our annual SummerFest and Ladybug Fund Winetasting & Silent Auction, and worked to help maintain all-abilities PARK365.
Program Support interns and field work students supported our Saunders and Staples Mill locations with their energy, expertise (sometimes at a university level), enthusiasm, and – perhaps most important – their amazing spirit of service.

On behalf of SOAR365 program participants and staff, THANK YOU for contributing your priceless gifts of time and talent!

To see highlights from the past year, please check out our 2023 Volunteer Appreciation week video. To learn more about how you can support SOAR365 with your time and talent, please send an email to: [email protected]