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Sign Up for the NGC Leadership Workshop

SOAR365 doesn’t just offer opportunities to serve, it also offers a place to grow!

On May 6, SOAR365’s Next Generation Council will offer their annual Leadership Workshop! Sign up for this free, virtual event to connect with experienced professionals from the Richmond area and learn how to unlock your leadership potential.

Our featured speakers include Wendy Berenson, of the InnerWill Leadership Institute, and Alejandro Prince, from the Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities.

Wendy will be presenting on Values-Driven Leadership, providing lessons from over 20 years of experience in people development, facilitation and Human Resources. She brings her enthusiastic, optimistic and animated style to this workshop, offering practical insights on how to recognize and develop leadership in our businesses, our communities, our homes and ourselves.

Alejandro Prince is an Educational Programs Coordinator at the Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities (VCIC), which is an organization that works with schools, businesses, and communities to achieve success through inclusion. His presentation on Diversity & Leadership will draw from his work designing, coordinating, and facilitating programs, events and conferences on diversity, equity and inclusion across the Commonwealth.

You don’t to miss it!

New this year, the NGC Leadership Workshop will also be followed by an in-person networking social on Thursday, May 11 at Ardent Craft Ales in Richmond.

Sign up now at to reserve your spot.

Have questions? Please contact Edilia Bendel at edilia.bendel@soar365 or 804-665-1240.


The Next Generation Council is unique in that it is focused not only on volunteering, but on the professional development of its members.

Edilia Bendel, SOAR365 Events Coordinator, explains that the NGC gives members a chance “to support the SOAR365 mission through volunteer projects and fundraising, while assuming leadership roles.”

NGC members help SOAR365 continue its life-fulfilling programming by supporting volunteer engagement and key fundraising events. Meanwhile, members gain an inside look at non-profit management, as well as opportunities to improve their own leadership skills – like the annual Leadership Workshop.

“The Next Generation Council is unique because member ages range beyond a traditional young professionals’ group,” says Edilia. She notes that while the group includes recent college graduates, it also includes adults further along in their careers, who can offer valuable perspectives and advice.

That combination of networking and giving back is what drew NGC member Kellie Mattingly to the organization, when she was looking for a way to get involved in the Richmond community in 2021. She encourages others to join.

“I’ve found it nice to be able to use connections I already have and connect them with SOAR365 or to connect SOAR365 with them,” Kellie says. “In addition, it’s always great to be able to support the individuals served by SOAR365 and be involved in the events and work that help impact their lives.”

Laura Faison, Next Generation Council Chair, agrees. “Participating in NGC has not only provided an opportunity for me to give back to a cause that I am passionate about, but has equally given me, in return, fulfilling experiences, connections and friendships.”

Interested in learning more about the Next Generation Council? Contact Michelle Alford at [email protected] or (804) 212-1444.

Or apply online today at The NGC is open to young professionals ages 21-45, and a two-year commitment is preferred.

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