Next Generation Council

Next Generation Council

Make a difference. Meet new friends. Level up your resume.
Next Generation Council
Are you a young professional ready to make an impact?

You belong in the Next Generation Council! The NGC began with a few young volunteers who wanted to do more for SOAR365. Early efforts included social events, one-day volunteer projects and fundraising activities. The group is also known for establishing SOAR365’s annual Summer Series and the annual NGC Leadership Workshop. Today, the NGC has grown to nearly 20 members ranging in ages from 21-45.

What does the Next Generation Council do?

NGC activities are based upon three core pillars that guide each year’s course of action:

  • SOAR365 Service Projects
    Members engage in purposeful volunteer opportunities benefitting SOAR365. Members plan social activities for participants and assist with beautification projects.
  • Leadership Development
    Members develop their leadership skills through opportunities such as leading a committee or helping plan the annual NGC Leadership Workshop.
  • Engagement & Fundraising
    NGC members assist with the annual Ladybug Fund Winetasting Silent Auction by volunteering and soliciting in-kind donations for the silent auction. Members also support our annual Summer Series in PARK365 and the annual SOAR365 Awards Banquet.
two smiling women

For more information, contact Edilia Bendel at or 804-665-1240.

    What Our Volunteers Are Saying
    “I’m especially proud of providing young adults ways to expand their leadership skills and serve our community—we all benefit!”
    — Dean Browell, Co-Founder of Feedback & NGC Advisor